While one way you can earn money is by working, investing is another great and smart way to build wealth. However, there is also the potential of losing your money if it is not done wisely. The investment world is not an easy thing to navigate, with many potential factors affecting investment returns in different ways. This course will go through the topics in a way that is easily understandable, using exercises and case studies to provide working examples. All areas of influence such as the market economy, the business activities and government intervention are covered. We will look into financial ratios, financial statements and so on to help make the best investment decision.
By the end of this course, you will:
- Know how to analyse financial statements.
- Understand and calculate financial ratios.
- Understand how the economic environment can affect asset prices.
This course is IBF – FTS Accredited.
CPD: 1.5 hrs.
FTS funding is available for this course for Singapore citizens & PR. Please email us at and we will reply to you within 2 working days.
For concessionary fees, please email us at
For details on FTS funding, please check out the FAQ under the 'More' tab (above). And if you wish to apply for FTS funding, please send us an email at and we will reply within 2 working days.
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Course Duration : 1.5 hr
CPD Hours : 1.5 hr